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Protecting Ancient Art with the Assyrian Arts Institute

Nadia Cavner

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The former president of Nadia Cavner Group, Nadia Cavner has devoted much of her time to advocating for Assyrian refugees in Syria and Iraq. Nadia Cavner supports the Assyrian Arts Institute, which works to bring a unique type of Middle Eastern art to the West.

Assyria was an ancient Mesopotamian kingdom located in modern-day Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. In current times, Assyrians are a very traditional people, with a separate culture and language from those of these individual countries. The United States is currently home to the largest Assyrian community outside of the Middle East, and the Assyrian Arts Institute seeks to preserve and promote the art, heritage, and culture of this population.
The institute encompasses the visual, decorative, and performing arts, as well as language workshops and an introduction to Assyrian culinary arts. It also sponsors events throughout the year, including the upcoming Christmas Extravaganza, featuring a Christmas bazaar and art sale, with ticket sales benefiting the institute as well as the Assyrian Church of the East.